- What is the project implementation timeframe?
- Will there be $ 100 and $ 250 investment packages for those who are not ready to buy $ 1,000 packages to participate in the project?
- What are the advantages of new generation airships over competitor airships and other vehicles?
- What is the New Generation Airships project and what are its objectives?
- What does an investor in the project acquire?
- What is the project capitalization?
- How many investment shares will be sold?
- How many company's shares will there be in total and how many of them will investors get?
- What companies implement the project?
- How will profits be distributed between the investors and companies participating in the project?
- What is the minimum amount to invest in the project?
- Where is the design office located?
- Where can airships be used?
- What is the planned service life of different airship types?
- How many airships can be produced?
- When are airships expected to enter the market?
- Why aren't airships currently used for passenger, cargo transportation or military purposes?
- What kind of gas will be used in airships?
- Which motors will be used in airships: electric ones or internal combustion engines?
- Will airships make use of motors developed by Sovelmash?
- Who orders airships?
- What systems, mechanisms and structures will ensure the safety of the crew, passengers and cargo?
- How much funding is needed to implement the project?
- What is the company's planned annual profit?
- What is funded in the project with the investments mobilized?
- How many stages will the project involve?
- What are the advantages of airships over other modes of transport?
- Who are the main technology partners producing materials, structures and drive systems for airships?
- What's the situation with flight permits?
- Is it possible to safely heat gas to increase lift or cool it for landing?
- What unmanned technology will be used in airships?