Funding dynamics
and roadmap of the "Sovelmash" project
Project funding
The project funding is being attracted for construction of the "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department (D&E). This shows in real time how many funds in total have flowed into the project.
81 392 410 $

"Sovelmash" D&E construction by year

This shows the key stages of the project implementation.
Goals of the project
Complete the funding
Complete the construction of the design and engineering technology department (D&E)
Pass the state commission inspection
Put the D&E into operation
Carry out transformation into a joint-stock company
Start executing orders to develop electric motors and paying dividends to investors
"Sovelmash" construction site now
Construction of the "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department has reached the final stage. Work on external utilities is completed, landscaping is virtually done. Internal finishing, installation of engineering networks and commissioning of equipment are underway inside the building.
The sooner the funding is completed, the sooner the "Sovelmash" D&E will be put into operation. And the sooner you will start earning dividends from the operations of the enterprise or income from selling your shares.

Frequently asked questions

What do I get when I become an investor?
What are the investments currently being attracted for?
What will be done to implement the project?
How can I get the most out of investing now?