High-tech enterprise

In 2023 the "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department will be put into operation. The building has been built on the territory of the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow", meeting the most rigorous requirements to engineering enterprises

Unique electric motors

"Sovelmash" develops electric motors with the "Slavyanka" combined winding, which are superior to other motors in energy efficiency, power, reliability and need fewer resources in production

Operating capacities

One of the best motor testing laboratories in Russia, as well as a testing, casting and winding areas have already been created with investor funds and are currently in operation. More than 50 experimental and development projects are underway involving the patented technologies.

"Sovelmash" services

The "Sovelmash" services include development of innovative electric motors and means of their production, setting up production lines, development of projects for high-tech plants

Team of professionals

The high quality of "Sovelmash" services and products is ensured by the team headed by the Soviet engineer and inventor Dmitriy Duyunov, as well as by the technological uniqueness of the developments and the D&E building

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