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Super Lottery from SOLARGROUP
Super Lottery from SOLARGROUP
To Invest
Invest during the lottery and get coupons for actual payments! Coupon in the first and second rounds for every 100$. For every 500$ in the final round.The number of coupons is not limited! The more coupons you have, the greater your chances of winning.
Terms and conditions of the lottery
Buy a new package
Make your payments early
See prizes of other rounds
The grand prizes of the final round include an electric car and a motorcycle with "Slavyanka" based motors!
The grand prizes will be raffled off in the final round of the lottery. The final raffle includes:
• prize winners of the first and second rounds (places from 1 to 50)
• holders of final round coupons
How do I participate in the lottery?
Purchase a new investment package

Buy a new investment package in a lump-sum payment or in installments. For every $ you spend to pay for this package within the current round of the lottery, you get 1 coupon for participation in the raffle of prizes.
Repay your installment plan early

Make early payments on your installment plan. When the amount of your payments reaches $ , you will get 1 coupon to enter the raffle of prizes in the current round of the lottery.
Example of the offer in action
You buy a $ 500 investment package on a 10-month installment plan and make the first payment of $ 50. You do not get a coupon for it, but the amount is taken into account. A few days later you make 4 monthly installment payments and pay $ 200 at once. Of those, the first monthly payment is not considered early repayment, so only $ 150 is counted towards the lottery, plus the $ 50 you paid earlier. You get 2 coupons.
Frequently asked questions
Who can participate in the lottery?
How can I boost my chances of winning?
How do I know if I got a prize?
How do I win an electric car?
Can I win multiple prizes at once?
Do the coupons received in the first and second rounds participate in the final raffle?
Can a prize represented by a vehicle or trip be exchanged for money or shares?
How can I claim my prize if I win?
Do payments made towards upsizing a package qualify for the lottery?
How are early payments taken into account?